Senin, 15 Desember 2014
Berita, Lembaga Sensor & Papua Barat
Dari mulai zaman kolonial, zaman Belanda menduduki dan menjajah Hindia Belanda (sekarang Indonesia), berita dengan berbagai macam bentuk dan medianya tentu menjadi pedoman banyak golongan di daerah jajahan tersebut.
Terdapat sumber berita kolonial yang dipegang oleh Belanda atau Gubermen, juga sumber berita de Locomotief, Indische Partij dengan koran de Expres, dan yang menjadi daya tarik tersendiri yaitu Medan Prijaji yang dikontrol pribumi. Yang terakhir menjadi kunci karena dibaca oleh pribumi dengan jumlah yang mengagumkan, hari demi hari semakin dibuka matanya akan penjajahan yang sedang dialaminya.
Keberagaman inipun terus dipelihara hingga sekarang. Golongan yang berkembang sekarang, bukan lagi hanya dibatasi oleh golongan ras dan agama, namun juga ditambah dengan ideologi, kecenderungan dan kiblat cara pandang.
Ini tentu sangatlah wajar. Karena sesungguhnya satu manusia di dunia ini takkan punya perspektif pemikiran yang sama persis dengan yang lainnya. Walau dididik dan dibesarkan dalam satu atap pun, pasti ada hal yang membedakan satu manusia dengan manusia lainnya. Dari kesukaannya terhadap ikan bakar, penghindarannya terhadap sayuran, sampai kecenderungannya berpikir dengan paham pancasila demokratis, atau mengarah ke islam syariah.
Namun jelas, lembaga sensor itu perlu adanya. Pada zaman kolonial, sangat penting adanya mata dan telinga yang dapat meredam kesadaran terpelajar pribumi akan penjajahan Belanda bila sudah terlalu membahayakan stabilitas politik. Pandangan-pandangan liberal sangatlah bertolak belakang dengan kehendak para petinggi kolonial di Hindia Belanda. Dari pengasingan pendiri-pendiri Indische Partij ke Belanda, pengasingan Tirto Adhi Soerjo ke pulau Bacan, sampai Pulau Buru yang menjadi tempat pengasingan Pramoedya Ananta Toer.
Tentu badan pengontrol media ini akan menjadikan gambaran yang jahat dan kejam untuk petinggi-petinggi Hindia Belanda pada saat itu bahkan juga sekarang. Tapi akan lebih mudah memahami maksud dan tujuan pengasingan-pengasingan ini apabila kita menempatkan kita di tempat yang menjajah. Kita, Indonesia? Pernah menjajah?
Ambil contoh Papua Barat. Apa kita boleh tenang-tenang saja akan organisasi yang ingin memerdekakan Papua Barat seperti OPM (Organisasi Papua Merdeka)? Apa justru kita harus mendukung OPM untuk merdeka? Apa kita kejam merampas hak mereka untuk merdeka? Apa kita sama dengan para penjajah Belanda yang dulu menjajah Bangsa Indonesia? Kalaupun beda, apa letak bedanya sungguh signifikan?
Tentu pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini jarang muncul di benak kita semua. Kita tentu ingin Papua barat tetap berada dalam bagian NKRI karena memang dari mulai Indonesia merdeka 1945 sampai sekarang ya Papua Barat itu memang bagian dari NKRI, bukan? Ini prinsipnya jelas sama dengan apa yang dipikirkan petinggi-petinggi Hindia Belanda sebelum 1945.
Sebelum itu, apa tidak lain kalau mereka menganggap tanah Hindia Belanda itu adalah bagian dari Belanda?
Benderanya? Bendera Belanda (Merah Putih Biru)
Pemerintahan? Dipimpin oleh Gubernur Jenderal. (Salah satunya Gubernur Jenderal Idenburg pada 1909-1916.
Penduduknya? 97% Pribumi. (Bangsa Eropa hanya 0.4%)
Semenjak 1965, OPM didirikan untuk memerdekakan Provinsi Papua Barat dari pemerintahan (penjajahan) Indonesia. Organisasi ini diredam karena akan memicu terjadinya kemerdekaan bagi provinsi tersebut. Kalau tidak ada larangan dan redaman yang dapat menandingi gerakan OPM ini, tentu sekarang kita akan melihat bendera bintang kejora tercantum di buku-buku geografi dunia. Kekerasan jugalah yang harus menjadi jalan, dan saya tidak berbicara puluhan tahun yang lalu. Beberapa tahun ini, beberapa bulan ini, detik ini, sekarang dan kemungkinan besar besokpun masih akan terus terjadi. Ini sungguhan.
- Juli 2009: insiden pengibaran bendera Papua Barat oleh OPM di desa Jugum, kemudian lebih dari 30 rumah dibakar dalam sebuah operasi TNI.
-12 Desember 2011: kepolisian menyergap markas grup lokal OPM. Polisi menyita senjata api, amunisi, pisau, perlengkapan perang, dokumen, bendera Bintang Kejora dan menewaskan 14 militan.
Belanda kehilangan otoritasnya atas Hindia Belanda karena diambil alih oleh kekaisaran Tentara Jepang setelah lebih dari 3 abad menjajah Indonesia. Dan Jepang, kehilangan otoritasnya atas Hindia Belanda setelah 3 tahun karena runtuh kekaisarannya oleh bom atom Amerika Serikat di Hiroshima dan Nagasaki.
Belanda kembali dan memimpin Hindia Belanda dengan Komisaris Besar sampai akhirnya pada 27 Desember 1949 dengan pendirian Republik Indonesia Serikat.
Yang menjadi penting disini adalah perbedaan bahwa sudah matang dan kuatnya terpelajar pribumi. Karena demikian, Republik Indonesia Serikatpun berhasil diruntuhkan pada 17 Agustus 1950.
Beberapa tahun tanpa pengontrol media ataupun lembaga sensor inipun yang saya anggap ikut mengambil bagian dari perkembangan terpelajar pribumi di Indonesia (sudah merdeka, terhitung 1945). Ini membuktikan kepentingan khusus lembaga sensor yang tak terpungkiri lagi.
Apa sejarah perlu terulang lagi dan membuat Papua Barat untuk merdeka? Walau begitu, perlakuan OPM untuk merdeka saat ini masih melalui senjata-senjata dengan cara-cara yang anarkis. Mungkin mereka nanti akan mengerti lebih pentingnya tulisan-tulisan dan dorongan-dorongan kaum terpelajar untuk mengambil jalan damai. Karena sesungguhnya pensil, kertas, orasi dan dukungan damai dari dunia (cara Soekarno) akan lebih berarti dibanding senjata dan peluru.
Apa hak asasi manusia dan nasionalisme haruslah sungguh bertolak belakang?
Apa rangkulan damai untukmu berarti menghina tidak berartinya hak bernegara dan nasionalismemu, Papua Barat?
Apa perlukah jalan anarkis, Papua Barat?
Apa perlu referendum, Papua Barat?
Apa menyebut 'Kita satu Indonesia' menghina nasionalismemu, Papua Barat?
Apa haruskah presiden kita pergi kesana dan menghiburmu selalu, Papua Barat?
Hak istimewa mungkin?
Senin, 01 Desember 2014
Ide Untuk Pak Anies
This is what I call the ‘Environmental Change Behavior
Indifference’. This happens when the subjected person lacks the knowledge
that change in environment should also correspond to the appropriate behavior
expected in a particular environment. Similar self-conclusive assumptions made
by the subjected person eliminate the essential difference that might exist in
the different environments.
Take for example
a female kindergarten teacher that’s been teaching for 5 years since her being 25
to 30 years old. Kindergarteners age from 4-5 years old. At 30 years old, she
marries and a son is born. When she is 35, she has no trouble educating both
her son and the kindergarteners at school because of the same age. Before and
after that short one year of her life, her son is in the phase when he’s younger
or older than her kindergarteners. Let’s say she reaches 45. Her son will be in
high school and her kindergarteners will be, well, in kindergarten. She has to
simultaneously educate a teenager and kindergarteners at the same time. There’s
an obvious importance to take into account how to educate her son and her
kindergarteners differently given the different environments.
Using the same
logic, we can extrapolate this idea. Imagine a professor that has a doctorate
degree in mathematics. Although he’s very good in his field of work, he won’t
be able to be the project manager in a construction site. The same goes with a
civil engineer who has many years of experience working in a construction site.
He won’t be able to do research in fluid dynamics using computational modeling
and complicated math as his fellow math’s professor, yet he has the ability to
run a construction project building a bridge overleaping a cliff in southern
As obvious as it
may seem, we sometimes lack the knowledge of switching behaviors in different
environments. This is obvious because the fields of work in engineering, for
example, are clearly categorized, different from those occurring in social
sciences, or even life knowledge to view it in an extreme way.
I have often
come across with people so respected in their field of work, forgetting that
their field of work also has a limit. Individual people ranging from a
housewife with small children who keeps telling young adults how to behave, to
a PhD in Islamic Laws in the People’s Representative Council of a Pancasila-based
democratic country Indonesia.
I’m nobody to
blame them. It’s not their faults anyway. They have grown up as they had been
raised. Scientific explanation is nowhere to be found. I do have a hypothesis
though, that this happens because of the fact that we are always praised although
we do not-so-good-of-a-job at school. And sometimes, we just do them just to
get the praise from our teachers or our fellow learning mates. Yes, we can get
motivations from them. Yes, we can be inspired to learn more from them. But by
that only, we have forgotten the true essence of learning by the core.
Teachers have
the responsibility to let children learn on their own, not just passing
knowledge from their heads to the children’ only. That’s what radio
transmitters do. Of course we still do need a national curriculum. What the
teachers need to do though is not just to pass the knowledge inside the
curriculum to the students, instead to also be the trigger to make the students
want to learn it on their own. Teachers have to praise them in the right times,
and in the right manner. When they do so, education succeeds. Future
generations will not only be doctors that are experts in their fields, but will
also know where to stop and respect for other fields of work. Because realistically
speaking, no one will ever be doctors in all fields of work.
I’ve been
studying in Japan for two years now. And that’s not a long enough time to grasp
even half the knowledge of how the Japanese education is making Japanese
socialize or interact with each other. But from what I see, Japanese, no matter
what position they are (could be a professor, doctor, or a fellow student),
when they want to give information to another person, in most times the term ‘かもしれません / kamo shiremasen’ is put
in the end. Although this can be translated into the English word ‘maybe’, this
term does not, with significance, bring along the sense of uncertainty.
For example, if
my Japanese friend had read in the news that the price of Yen was decreasing,
they would say it to me as the following: ‘I’ve
read in the news that the price of Yen is decreasing kamo shiremasen’. Although they knew it for sure that the price
of Yen was decreasing, they would say it in the way that they are not sure
about it to give the sense of modesty. Frankly speaking, this is what I rarely
see in the Indonesian environment, a slight kamo
shiremasen that can actually make a big difference.
Rabu, 12 November 2014
Antek Indonesia
Beberapa hari yang lalu, banyak sumber berita menuangkan tanggapan-tanggapan yang bervariasi atas pidato yang disampaikan presiden kita Joko Widodo.
Jokowi dinanti dunia, jelas.
Jokowi dinanti Indonesia, tentu.
Ratusan juta rakyat Indonesia berharap besar pada ayah kurus dengan 3 orang anak itu.
Untuk bisa melontarkan pidato yang cukup baik.
Untuk bisa menyampaikan pidato yang tidak memalukan.
Pastinya, untuk sukses dalam pidato perdananya di mata internasional.
Harapan Indonesia akan Jokowi besar, sangatlah besar.
Tapi kalau kita bicara Indonesia, ada unsur yang sering sekali kita lupakan.
Indonesia itu besar.....
Dan untuk membuat Indonesia punya satu pikiran, adalah hal yang mustahil.
Dan untuk membuat Indonesia punya satu harapan, adalah hal yang tidak realistis.
Kalau Jokowi bicara bahasa Inggris dengan aksen Amerika, akan menjadi suatu kebanggaan bagi Indonesia?
Kalau Jokowi bicara bahasa Indonesia, akan menjadi suatu kebanggaan bagi Indonesia?
Kalau Jokowi bicara bahasa Inggris dengan aksen kental medok Jawa kekhasannya, akan menjadi suatu kebanggaan bagi Indonesia?
Saya baru menyadari, bahwa jawaban dari ketiga pertanyaan di atas itu akan bersamaan Ya dan Tidak.
Karena Indonesia itu besar.....
Indonesia yang A akan senang dengan bahasa Inggris aksen Amerika.
Indonesia yang B akan senang dengan bahasa Indonesia.
Indonesia yang C akan senang dengan bahasa Inggris dengan aksen kental medok Jawa kekhasannya.
Anda tahu maksud saya.
Itu baru dari bahasanya, belum isinya.
Sebenarnya saya tidak terlalu keberatan Jokowi dihina orang karena Inggrisnya yang pas-pasan.
Karena sungguh saya tau keberagamannya Indonesia.
Karena sungguh pula ia mewakili seluruh rakyat Indonesia.
Tapi, kalau konteksnya dipermainkan, itu yang aneh.
Tapi, kalau kepada siapanya ia berpidato dilupakan, itu yang mengecewakan.
Jikalau konteks dan kepada siapa suatu pidato itu disampaikan kemudian dilupakan, sungguhlah kesimpulan yang bisa ditarik juga berubah drastis, bukan?
Jokowi memang terkesan 'menjual' Indonesia di pidatonya kemarin.
Jokowi boleh dibilang mengedepankan kepentingan asing di pidatonya kemarin.
Tapi, itu hanya benar, apabila ia berbicara hanya di depan petinggi petinggi negara.
Itu hanya benar, apabila ia tidak berbicara di depan ratusan CEO dari ratusan perusahaan internasional.
Konteksnya beda.
Perusahaan internasional.
Cakupannya juga internasional, lintas negara.
Nama acaranya pada saat itu (10 November) adalah CEO Summit.
Acara para CEO memilih negara untuk berinvestasi selanjutnya.
Apa yang disampaikan Jokowi sudah tepat.
Bukan acara keesokannya hari yang jelas-jelas hanya meja bundar, dengan petinggi-petinggi setiap negara APEC di setiap kursi yang mengitarinya.
Ada alasannya mengapa APEC membuat kedua agenda dengan waktu dan tempat yang berbeda bukan?
Apa salahkah pikiran ini?
Apa sudah tak bisakah kita berpikir hanya dengan logika?
Haruskah setiap kali memasukkan pandangan buruk tanpa fakta terhadap Jokowi?
Antek asing?
Antek cina?
Antek Indonesia, menurut saya.
Jokowi dinanti dunia, jelas.
Jokowi dinanti Indonesia, tentu.
Ratusan juta rakyat Indonesia berharap besar pada ayah kurus dengan 3 orang anak itu.
Untuk bisa melontarkan pidato yang cukup baik.
Untuk bisa menyampaikan pidato yang tidak memalukan.
Pastinya, untuk sukses dalam pidato perdananya di mata internasional.
Harapan Indonesia akan Jokowi besar, sangatlah besar.
Tapi kalau kita bicara Indonesia, ada unsur yang sering sekali kita lupakan.
Indonesia itu besar.....
Dan untuk membuat Indonesia punya satu pikiran, adalah hal yang mustahil.
Dan untuk membuat Indonesia punya satu harapan, adalah hal yang tidak realistis.
Kalau Jokowi bicara bahasa Inggris dengan aksen Amerika, akan menjadi suatu kebanggaan bagi Indonesia?
Kalau Jokowi bicara bahasa Indonesia, akan menjadi suatu kebanggaan bagi Indonesia?
Kalau Jokowi bicara bahasa Inggris dengan aksen kental medok Jawa kekhasannya, akan menjadi suatu kebanggaan bagi Indonesia?
Saya baru menyadari, bahwa jawaban dari ketiga pertanyaan di atas itu akan bersamaan Ya dan Tidak.
Karena Indonesia itu besar.....
Indonesia yang A akan senang dengan bahasa Inggris aksen Amerika.
Indonesia yang B akan senang dengan bahasa Indonesia.
Indonesia yang C akan senang dengan bahasa Inggris dengan aksen kental medok Jawa kekhasannya.
Anda tahu maksud saya.
Itu baru dari bahasanya, belum isinya.
Sebenarnya saya tidak terlalu keberatan Jokowi dihina orang karena Inggrisnya yang pas-pasan.
Karena sungguh saya tau keberagamannya Indonesia.
Karena sungguh pula ia mewakili seluruh rakyat Indonesia.
Tapi, kalau konteksnya dipermainkan, itu yang aneh.
Tapi, kalau kepada siapanya ia berpidato dilupakan, itu yang mengecewakan.
Jikalau konteks dan kepada siapa suatu pidato itu disampaikan kemudian dilupakan, sungguhlah kesimpulan yang bisa ditarik juga berubah drastis, bukan?
Jokowi memang terkesan 'menjual' Indonesia di pidatonya kemarin.
Jokowi boleh dibilang mengedepankan kepentingan asing di pidatonya kemarin.
Tapi, itu hanya benar, apabila ia berbicara hanya di depan petinggi petinggi negara.
Itu hanya benar, apabila ia tidak berbicara di depan ratusan CEO dari ratusan perusahaan internasional.
Konteksnya beda.
Perusahaan internasional.
Cakupannya juga internasional, lintas negara.
Nama acaranya pada saat itu (10 November) adalah CEO Summit.
Acara para CEO memilih negara untuk berinvestasi selanjutnya.
Apa yang disampaikan Jokowi sudah tepat.
Bukan acara keesokannya hari yang jelas-jelas hanya meja bundar, dengan petinggi-petinggi setiap negara APEC di setiap kursi yang mengitarinya.
Ada alasannya mengapa APEC membuat kedua agenda dengan waktu dan tempat yang berbeda bukan?
Apa salahkah pikiran ini?
Apa sudah tak bisakah kita berpikir hanya dengan logika?
Haruskah setiap kali memasukkan pandangan buruk tanpa fakta terhadap Jokowi?
Antek asing?
Antek cina?
Antek Indonesia, menurut saya.
Senin, 10 November 2014
Pernahku meratap kan pilihan yang telah kupilih
Pernahku menatap kan jejak yang telah kuambil
Apa aku masih benar dan tak gila masih?
Apa aku masih nyata dan tak delusif masih?
Kuambil nafas dalam, sedalam kubisa bernafas
Kumeditasi seakan dunia, tak jugalah berputar
Apa lupakahku kan tujuan yang jelas?
Apa lalailahku kan arti jadi pintar
Hari berganti minggu kulatih pelajaranku
Minggu berganti bulan kucoba ikuti logikaku
Apa ketepatankah yang ada di pihakku?
Apa salah langkahkah yang menjadi jawabanku?
Karna aku masih muda
Karna aku masih belajar
Karna aku masih galau
Dan karna aku masih bermimpi
Tokyo, 11 November
Pernahku menatap kan jejak yang telah kuambil
Apa aku masih benar dan tak gila masih?
Apa aku masih nyata dan tak delusif masih?
Kuambil nafas dalam, sedalam kubisa bernafas
Kumeditasi seakan dunia, tak jugalah berputar
Apa lupakahku kan tujuan yang jelas?
Apa lalailahku kan arti jadi pintar
Hari berganti minggu kulatih pelajaranku
Minggu berganti bulan kucoba ikuti logikaku
Apa ketepatankah yang ada di pihakku?
Apa salah langkahkah yang menjadi jawabanku?
Karna aku masih muda
Karna aku masih belajar
Karna aku masih galau
Dan karna aku masih bermimpi
Tokyo, 11 November
Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014
Yesterday, my roommate and I had a pretty mysterious experience.
For what I thought can be considered a coincidence, this has nothing to do with such thing.
It did though, need many sets of coincidences to make it work.
It will be boring at first, though. I will tell you the story with detailed precision, and you can figure out why I have to do this later.. ;)
Yesterday, I actually had a free day, but I decided to go to the campus.
I ended up just going to the computer room and watching some videos on youtube. My girlfriend was around and so we decided to talk just a little bit.
At around 18:45, we decided to go back to our place, she to her dorm, and I to my host family's house. This is a pretty weird timing to start going back, at least to me, because I usually go back after the end of classes. (Well.. which I didn't have yesterday..)
In Shinjuku, as it wasn't so crowded as usual (because of the time), I decided to wait a little bit to catch the Rapid (快速) train. By doing that, there's a possibility to get a seat on the train, while getting to reach my station in just 18 minutes (plus the time to wait for that train, which was only around 8 minutes in Shinjuku).
The train arrived, and people started to rush to get a seat on the train. I in the other hand, because I'd already decided to wait for 8 minutes, I was in front of the line, and could easily get a seat which I did. It was though, filled with people. I had to put my backpack on my lap to let a person stand in front of me, as the manner here suggests.
The only thing to do in these situations was, well, getting our eyes glued to our cellphones, or books. I guess it's a thing here. Individualistic behavior 101. This is a thing I noticed just too well because of my recent coming back to Indonesia. People do, talk in public transports in Indonesia.
My train went quite fast stopping at Sasazuka, Meidaimae, Sakurajosui, Hachimanyama, Chitose Karasuyama, and finally my station, Sengawa, skipping out Daitabashi, Shimo Takaido, Kami Kitazawa, and Roka Koen.
Don't get bored yet. It gets interesting after this, trust me;)
In Chitose Karasuyama, the next station to my station, my roommate chatted me asking where I was. I replied I was in Chitose Karasuyama which I was. His answer surprised me a bit because he also said he was in Chitose Karasuyama. He said we might have been in the same train.
I firstly looked to my left side, and then to my right side just to find no trace of him. To my surprise, when I looked straight in front of me, behind the person who was standing in front of me, I noticed a very similar pattern of my jacket. I knew immediately that it was my roommate just close to a meter away in front of me because the pattern was unique. I chatted him to look at his back. He turned around and smiled finding out it was me.
Of all the trains' schedule in a day. Of all the rows on a train. He said he got on the train in Meidaimae. I said I didn't notice him then. He said he didn't notice me then. We couldn't decide if the probability of that happening was just a coincidence or God's plan. At least to him, it was something unexplainable by men. It had to be God's plan. I said to him that it must have been God's plan. I didn't say to him that I still thought of it as pure coincidence. We went out of the station feeling awesome.
It didn't stop there though. My roommate was feeling sick yesterday, actually since the day before. He said he was going to get a haircut to get rid of his disease or bad luck away, at least. We went to a nearby hair-cutting place only to find out that he couldn't get his haircut while using hair gel. He wanted to wash his hair gel away in the station and went back, but I suggested to do it tomorrow because he looked quite tired in which we reached an agreement to do so.
We walked to the bicycle parking area to get his bicycle. He took a while to unlock his bicycle. I walked to the station this morning so I didn't have to get my bicycle there (well, I don't have a bicycle now because I'd already lost it there before). So, I walked, and he rolling his bicycle started walking with me home.
While still talking about the coincidence we had on the train, we met our host mother and her two children on the way to the station. They were surprised as we were. The host mother was already quite far away back continuing her ride only to slow down a bit. We just asked her boy Calvin who were following her where they were going. He answered with a body language to show an eating action. We knew they were going to have dinner together, which was really nice. We thought what a nice family. We understood exactly why they didn't want to tell us that they were going to have dinner together which was easily understandable I guess. We continued our way home.
To have this coincidence after the previous coincidence was really mind-boggling for me. We talked about the probability of this happening. I rethought the whole thing.
Had I not gone home in that train's schedule, had I not sit on that row, had he not done the same, had he already noticed me in Meidaimae, had he not used his hair gel, had he washed his hair in the station, had I not suggested him to get his haircut tomorrow, had he not taken a while to unlock his bicycle, had we not taken a different path home with the host mother and her two children, had they not done the same, had we not taken a while to talk about the coincidence that we had experienced before. All these things had to happen in a perfect timing to make these two coincidences happen, if they were coincidences at all.
The other day I was thinking about how it takes such a coincidence to make us live in this world. How it only takes one out of the average three hundred million sperms that go inside a woman's body. How mothers have to take care of the zygote for around nine months well enough. How she has to be healthy enough to give birth to a baby. These things can be considered coincidences, maybe.
But man, if all these things are coincidences, we tend to take them for granted, really. It really doesn't matter what it is, actually. What I'm saying is that, people tend to consider this kind of experience a religious one. And I don't blame them for that, really. It's because the probability of something happening in this world can be really, really, really small, I'm saying it's fine to have different opinions about what it actually is. Well, we never really know if it's God's plan or just random coincidences. The thing is, we must be given a freedom to have our own opinions about something. Spiritual, religious, coincidental, scientifically-explained experience can be similar experiences. Why do we have to argue about what it is? It's better to share our experience, think it's a really cool thing or not and move on with it, basically.
Have a good day.
For what I thought can be considered a coincidence, this has nothing to do with such thing.
It did though, need many sets of coincidences to make it work.
It will be boring at first, though. I will tell you the story with detailed precision, and you can figure out why I have to do this later.. ;)
Yesterday, I actually had a free day, but I decided to go to the campus.
I ended up just going to the computer room and watching some videos on youtube. My girlfriend was around and so we decided to talk just a little bit.
At around 18:45, we decided to go back to our place, she to her dorm, and I to my host family's house. This is a pretty weird timing to start going back, at least to me, because I usually go back after the end of classes. (Well.. which I didn't have yesterday..)
In Shinjuku, as it wasn't so crowded as usual (because of the time), I decided to wait a little bit to catch the Rapid (快速) train. By doing that, there's a possibility to get a seat on the train, while getting to reach my station in just 18 minutes (plus the time to wait for that train, which was only around 8 minutes in Shinjuku).
The train arrived, and people started to rush to get a seat on the train. I in the other hand, because I'd already decided to wait for 8 minutes, I was in front of the line, and could easily get a seat which I did. It was though, filled with people. I had to put my backpack on my lap to let a person stand in front of me, as the manner here suggests.
The only thing to do in these situations was, well, getting our eyes glued to our cellphones, or books. I guess it's a thing here. Individualistic behavior 101. This is a thing I noticed just too well because of my recent coming back to Indonesia. People do, talk in public transports in Indonesia.
My train went quite fast stopping at Sasazuka, Meidaimae, Sakurajosui, Hachimanyama, Chitose Karasuyama, and finally my station, Sengawa, skipping out Daitabashi, Shimo Takaido, Kami Kitazawa, and Roka Koen.
Don't get bored yet. It gets interesting after this, trust me;)
In Chitose Karasuyama, the next station to my station, my roommate chatted me asking where I was. I replied I was in Chitose Karasuyama which I was. His answer surprised me a bit because he also said he was in Chitose Karasuyama. He said we might have been in the same train.
I firstly looked to my left side, and then to my right side just to find no trace of him. To my surprise, when I looked straight in front of me, behind the person who was standing in front of me, I noticed a very similar pattern of my jacket. I knew immediately that it was my roommate just close to a meter away in front of me because the pattern was unique. I chatted him to look at his back. He turned around and smiled finding out it was me.
Of all the trains' schedule in a day. Of all the rows on a train. He said he got on the train in Meidaimae. I said I didn't notice him then. He said he didn't notice me then. We couldn't decide if the probability of that happening was just a coincidence or God's plan. At least to him, it was something unexplainable by men. It had to be God's plan. I said to him that it must have been God's plan. I didn't say to him that I still thought of it as pure coincidence. We went out of the station feeling awesome.
It didn't stop there though. My roommate was feeling sick yesterday, actually since the day before. He said he was going to get a haircut to get rid of his disease or bad luck away, at least. We went to a nearby hair-cutting place only to find out that he couldn't get his haircut while using hair gel. He wanted to wash his hair gel away in the station and went back, but I suggested to do it tomorrow because he looked quite tired in which we reached an agreement to do so.
We walked to the bicycle parking area to get his bicycle. He took a while to unlock his bicycle. I walked to the station this morning so I didn't have to get my bicycle there (well, I don't have a bicycle now because I'd already lost it there before). So, I walked, and he rolling his bicycle started walking with me home.
While still talking about the coincidence we had on the train, we met our host mother and her two children on the way to the station. They were surprised as we were. The host mother was already quite far away back continuing her ride only to slow down a bit. We just asked her boy Calvin who were following her where they were going. He answered with a body language to show an eating action. We knew they were going to have dinner together, which was really nice. We thought what a nice family. We understood exactly why they didn't want to tell us that they were going to have dinner together which was easily understandable I guess. We continued our way home.
To have this coincidence after the previous coincidence was really mind-boggling for me. We talked about the probability of this happening. I rethought the whole thing.
Had I not gone home in that train's schedule, had I not sit on that row, had he not done the same, had he already noticed me in Meidaimae, had he not used his hair gel, had he washed his hair in the station, had I not suggested him to get his haircut tomorrow, had he not taken a while to unlock his bicycle, had we not taken a different path home with the host mother and her two children, had they not done the same, had we not taken a while to talk about the coincidence that we had experienced before. All these things had to happen in a perfect timing to make these two coincidences happen, if they were coincidences at all.
The other day I was thinking about how it takes such a coincidence to make us live in this world. How it only takes one out of the average three hundred million sperms that go inside a woman's body. How mothers have to take care of the zygote for around nine months well enough. How she has to be healthy enough to give birth to a baby. These things can be considered coincidences, maybe.
But man, if all these things are coincidences, we tend to take them for granted, really. It really doesn't matter what it is, actually. What I'm saying is that, people tend to consider this kind of experience a religious one. And I don't blame them for that, really. It's because the probability of something happening in this world can be really, really, really small, I'm saying it's fine to have different opinions about what it actually is. Well, we never really know if it's God's plan or just random coincidences. The thing is, we must be given a freedom to have our own opinions about something. Spiritual, religious, coincidental, scientifically-explained experience can be similar experiences. Why do we have to argue about what it is? It's better to share our experience, think it's a really cool thing or not and move on with it, basically.
Have a good day.
Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014
Surat terbuka dari lapangan hijau
Kerjasama yang ada pada sebuah tim sepakbola itu, hari ini kudapatkan menarik.
Semua yang membuat satu tim sepakbola adalah sama, yaitu manusia, satu jenis pula.
Tapi, dari setiap manusia itu, ada perbedaan skill antara kebisaannya sebagai striker, midfielder, defender, ataupun goalkeeper.
Semuanya manusia. Tapi, mereka melengkapi satu sama lain.
Kebisaan menjadi sesuatu itu tidak bisa dipilih, dan sang manager memilih berbagai manusia dengan berbagai kebisaan itu untuk mengumpulkan mereka menjadi satu tim.
Sama halnya dengan semua kehidupan di bumi.
Apa kamu memilih untuk menjadi manusia?
Apa sapi memilih untuk menjadi sapi?
Dan apakah rumput dipilih unuk menjadi rumput?
Tentu jawabannya tidak.
Namun ketiga makhluk hidup itu hidup saling melengkapi satu sama lain.
Rumput akan terus ada atas perlakuan manusia menanam dan menyirami rumput.
Dan sapi, akan berkembang biak atas perlakuan manusia beternak sapi.
Manusia dengan kecerdasannya bisa mengambil manfaat dari sapi dan rumput secara sustainable.
Atau, begitulah kira-kira cerita hidup di dunia ini.
Entah kenapa sekarang ini, ini hanyalah menjadi pandangan idealis belaka.
Manusia tidak pernah mengerti kesatuannya dengan alam.
Akan tanah, diperebutkan.
Akan perdamaian, dilalaikan.
Akan peperangan, dinomorsatukan.
Akan perselisihan, diperbincangkan.
Hanya mendapatkan kekuasaan.
Hanya untuk mendapatkan harga diri.
Hanya untuk mendapatkan kemenangan.
Hanya untuk tanah sepetak?
Hanya untuk darah sebangsa?
Hanya untuk ekonomi negara?
Kuingin secuil hati nurani.
Hati nurani umat manusia.
Untuk membaca surat ini.
Agar tidaklah sia-sia.
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